Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween (All Hallows Eve)

Happy Halloween to all the little ghosts and goblins who will be out tonight and to all who enjoy consuming and/or giving out sweet delights.

Bishop Kevin Farrell of Dallas, Texas offers a positive reminder of the Christian aspect of today's festivities.
In the Middle Ages there was a popular belief that on All Souls Day the souls in Purgatory could appear on earth as will-o-the-wisps, witches, ghosts and all sorts of things to those people who had wronged them during their lifetimes. At some point, these customs slipped into the All Saints Celebration called Halloween.

So this weekend when the little ghoulies and ghosties are out they remind us of the suffering souls in Purgatory who need our prayers.

We should all remember our beloved dead and pray for them regularly and for those who have no one to pray for them.

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