Saturday, March 19, 2005

Saving Terri: Let's Think 'Outside the Box'!
The alert continues to encourage Congress to get it's act together on a bill to allow Terri Schiavo's case access to the federal courts. While this effort must continue, we shouldn't pin all hope on this path. The Congressional subpoenas were flagrantly snubbed without consequence as the Supreme Court has refused to enforce them without comment, and I'm not sure the legislation would fare any better.

My understanding was that a Congressional subpoena carries the force of law in protecting potential witnesses. Also, I find it hard to believe with all the law in place (Americans with Disabilities Act, etc.), there aren't multiple clauses that should be used to protect Terri.

Now I recall from civics classes that it is the job of the executive branch to enforce the law. Not to ask the courts for permission to enforce the law, but to ENFORCE THE LAW! Let Michael Schiavo's attorneys and others try to challenge the executive actions in court.

I don't know how much this course of action has been considered already, but if it has not been thoroughly exhausted, President Bush should have the lawyers at the Justice Department working on this immediately (not waiting until Monday morning), researching all applicable law. (Likewise, Governor Jeb Bush should be taking similar action at the state level.)

I'm not claiming this is the only solution. Others probably have other ideas. Let's think 'out of the box' and put the best ideas into action!

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