Sunday, March 20, 2005

"Gut Wrenching" - Words of Terri's Brother...
...Bobby Schindler, as the Senate once again passes a compromise bill. The House debate will begin at 9 PM with the vote to take place just after midnight despite the obstructive efforts of a few members. (Yes, they're Democrats, but I don't want to make it a partisan issue, because some Democrats have apparently been quite cooperative with the efforts to save Terri Schiavo.)

W is back at the White House ready to sign once the bill passes Congress and the paperwork to take Terri's case to court has been filed and is ready to go.

BTW: There's been a problem with the banner linking to Terri's family's site, The link still works, but the banner appears as a broken icon. To make it clear I'm carrying the link, I've added it to the list of text links in the 'Links' column.

1 comment:

David said...

My Terri banner reappears once in awhile, I think it might have to do with how much traffic gets. There's probably something weird about the way I put it on my site too, though, on some browsers there's no sign there's anything there at all.