Saturday, March 26, 2005

Letter to President Bush...
...I faxed early this morning.

Dear President Bush

The situation involving Terri Schiavo has implications well beyond the tragic situation of this disabled woman and her family. The rule of law and the fundamental culture of our civilization are on the line.

I stood on the Mall on January 20 and heard you boldly proclaim a goal of spreading democracy around the world. Yet, at this dark hour, many are wondering about the fate of democracy here at home.

Those that are seeking to end Terri’s life hide behind words about ‘states’ rights’ and ‘family matters’ while using unbridled judicial power to impose a profound cultural change threatening the dignity of human life. They have blatantly defied Congressional subpoenas and the legislation you signed into law early Monday morning. If this cultural coup is not faced down decisively, the lives of the disabled and frail, and indeed of all of us, will be left vulnerable.

I recall from my civics classes that it is the responsibility of the Executive Branch to enforce the law. This week I have been hearing a growing number of lawyers and scholars voicing the same responsibility and citing law and principle to back up their assertions. Most interesting is a section of Dr. Steven Krason's Book, "The Public Order and the Sacred Order" and an accompanying letter of introduction which states:

The immediate situation of Mrs. Terri Schiavo needs to be addressed; her right to life and other rights must be upheld by an immediate, definite exertion of executive power. Moreover, this case has long-run implications of the highest order for our constitutional regime. The usurpation of the power of the courts has been substantial for two generations. If this egregious assault on one innocent woman’s life is not stopped by the forceful exercise of executive power—the only way she can now be saved—then the usurpation will have reached a new level and will be more threatening and destructive in the future. This case, in some sense, can define the future of the American constitutional order.

The link to the letter and the chapter, which I understand have already been sent to Governor Bush, as the same principle applies at the state level, is

Mr. President, you’ve given America and the world so much hope for the advancement of democracy and human dignity, but your moral authority is now on the line. Like the September 11, 2001 attacks on our nation, this is another defining moment in your Presidency to which you were called.

I urge you to promptly use your Constitutional executive power to protect Terri Schindler-Schiavo, and my prayers are with you as you face this grave moment which will determine the fate of our society.

Thank you for your attention.

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