Sunday, May 09, 2010

Breitbart on the Media

New media entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart points out that the real power on the left side of the political and cultural struggle is not in the White House or Congress but in the establishment Media.
"For these people to tell me with a straight face that they don’t come to the media and their jobs from a political perspective, from a left-of-center perspective, is just a bald-faced lie."

When facing mistreatment by the media, Breitbart urged conservatives not to play by the rules as defined by the mainstream media. "These people don't fight fair," he said. "The left does not fight fair, and so I'm basically saying to conservatives, you don't have to fight fair."

"I want to break down this politically correct paradigm. These are rules that tell conservatives: you're not allowed to say this, you're not allowed to think that. This type of Orwellian thought crime crap is what I'm fighting against."

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