Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Our Lady's Feast Day and a Big Day for Catholic Literature

Today is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, Mother of Jesus Our Saviour, into Heaven.
Okay, that sounds really beautiful. But what does this have to do with me? What kind of connection do I even have with Mary after all? So her body is "up there"... in heaven. I'm here on earth. I hope I make it to Heaven some day, but that some day can seem pretty distant from my daily life. What difference does it make anyway whether I believe in this or not? Why is the Assumption of Mary a "holy day of obligation" (and that phrase doesn't exactly warm me up inside either).

Bill Donaghy answers these questions at Catholic Exchange.

Today is a fitting day for the release of Infinite Space, Infinite God, an anthology of Catholic science fiction, in trade paperback. Here is my January interview with editors Karina and Rob Fabian.

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