Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Distant Thunder

At the March for Life convention the day before the March, I bought an intriguing DVD being sold in the exhibit area. A Distant Thunder is a compelling story that combines courtroom drama and supernatural suspense. More in this review at
The movie itself is designed to be a supernatural thriller with provocative symbolism and a suspenseful surprise ending. It unmasks the horror of partial-birth abortion in a gripping court room setting by recounting the procedural steps from a medical perspective. After identifying with the main character, it becomes difficult not to accept the personhood and humanity of the unborn and question the morality of all abortion.

The Floras set out to make a difference by using their theatrical expertise to penetrate, in a thought provoking manner, into the modern culture without sounding “preachy”. A Distant Thunder certainly accomplishes this task and, at 35 minutes in length, is an excellent tool for productive discussion with teenagers and adults.

Jonathan and Deborah Flora spoke at the Blogs for Life conference I attended on the morning of the March and I met them again briefly later in the day near the Supreme Court.

While the Hollywood establishment continues to attempt to indoctrinate a politically correct agenda on our society, as demonstrated by this year's Academy Awards nominations, it is refreshing to see some Hollywood professionals produce a high quality countercultural (by today's standards) work.

UPDATE: A friend has sent me a link to Fr. Frank Pavone's commentary on the movie.

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