Friday, October 24, 2008

You Couldn't Write Fiction Like This

So much of the Media was singing hosannas over Ret. General Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama for President (yawn).

Supposedly this gives national security cred to Obama. However, this may not impress the terrorists and tyrants of the world. who are likely to create a an international crisis during the first six months of an Obama presidency, according to Obama's running mate Joe Biden.

Now Biden's statements raised many eyebrows, but not so much among some major Media organizations, who were pre-occupied with investigating GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin's wardrobe.

The $150K figure attributed to Palin's wardrobe seems to attract more curiosity among the Media regulars than Obama's record shattering $150M spent in September.

I could go on, but it's past my bedtime. Sweet dreams.

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