Monday, September 20, 2004

CBS 'fesses up.
Dan Rather and CBS News have admitted that they can no longer vouch for the documents alleging deficiencies in President Bush's National Guard service in the early 1970's. Of course, the other shoe has yet to drop. Who was the ultimate source of the forged documents and who all were involved in their dissemination?

Having a day job and slow typing fingers, I am what would probably be called a 'casual blogger'. I haven't been a part of the groundbreaking investigation of the CBS fiasco, but I'm proud of the large and growing community called the 'Blogosphere', itself a part of the New Media(or Alt Media) which played such a crucial role in this whole affair.

While this whole affair has brought unprecedented attention to the Alt Media, it's not the first time the non-traditional media have influenced the outcome of public events. For example, it was nearly a year ago that the Alt Media played a key role in saving the life of the disbled woman Terri Schindler-Schiavo (whose case is now being contested at the Florida Supreme Court). Rapid communication by thousands via e-mail, blogs, talk radio, etc. overcame Old Media bias and spurred Governor Jeb Bush and the Florida Legislature to take action to save Terri's life.

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