Give 'em Hell, Zell!
Georgia's retiring Democratic Senator Zell Miller is speaking now, saying that his family is more important than his party, and that W is the one he trusts to protect our country. He denounces Democratic 'manic obsession' to bring down W, unlike past history of bipartisanship in times of crisis. Praises our soldiers as liberators.
He's listing many of the U.S. armaments that John Kerry opposed. "US forces armed with what? Spitballs!" Contrasts Kerry's votes with campaign rhetoric.
John Kerry "more wrong, more weak and more wobbly" than any other leader. W committed to 'kind of forces to root out terrorists'. Now praising W's values.
"This Democrat is proud to stand with him!"
As background, here is an
article on Zell's conversion from pro-abortion to prolife.
UPDATE (~10:30 PM) VP Dick Cheney is speaking to the convention now. He says he's 'glad Zell Miller is on our side'. Praising administration's record on education and the economy. "The Bush tax cuts are working."
Never lose sight of 'preserving the freedom and security of this nation'. Crowd chanting 'Four More Years'! "We're in a war we did not start, and have no choice to win." Terrorists 'did not know America, and did not know George W. Bush'. Listing positive outcomes in the world due to policy on terror. Now citing 'mighty debt to the US armed forces'.
VP says 2004 election one of most important in history. Cites differences between W & Kerry on national security. W 'will never seek a permission slip (from foreign leaders) to defend the American people'. We can count on W 'to get it right'.
Citing Kerry's changing positions spurs audience chants of 'Flip Flop!'. VP says W has 'a heart for the weak, the vulnerable and the afflicted' and 'calls evil by its name'. Signs are good for campaign 'even in Massachusetts'.
Post speech music: "Ain't No Stopping Us Now".