Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Bipartisan Support in Congress Growing for W's Space Plans
Frank Sietzen reports that key lawmakers appear to be coming together to provide the initial downpayment in NASA's budget for the space initiative.

Particularly interesting in the UPI article is what it says about the White House's strategy in promoting the initiative:

According to congressional sources, several House members complained Bush has failed to say anything more about the moon-Mars plan since his Jan. 14 speech, and his silence has been interpreted as a cooling of support. The group was told the White House was silent, not because Bush was rethinking his grand space plan, but was instead trying to avoid further politicization.

One source told UPI that Bush would "keep his powder dry until the myths, legends, and political barbs on this strategy subside," and the president probably would speak again about his space plan sometime late in his re-election campaign.

This would counter some of the usual punditry concerning W's handling of the initiative, and may also provide insight into how the Bush Administration handles other priority issues, sometimes 'under the radar' of the Old Media.

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