Friday, October 17, 2008

'Joe the Plumber' Meets 'Senator Government'

Well, the third debate is over (transcript and video) as are the Al Smith Dinner proceedings (videos, McCain transcript and Obama transcript).

The big story of the week has been the encounter between Joe Wurzelbacher, a plumber, and Barack Obama in Ohio on Sunday.

John McCain successfully used the incident in Wednesday's debate to highlight how he and Obama differ on approaches to the economy and taxation. Much fallout has come from this, including some attempts by Obama supporters (including those in the Media) to question Wurzelbacher's background and credibility.

Regardless of all the details of Joe Wurzelbacher's life, the real issue here is Barack Obama's answer to his question, and what it tells about Obama's philosophy of economics and government. Many Americans like Wurzelbacher, who are currently well below Obama's arbitrary dividing line of who is rich enough to be taxed more, aspire to grow their business and wealth in the future. They are disturbed by Obama's claim that implies it is up to the government to decide how much an individual is allowed to prosper before their wealth is to be "spread around".

"Spread the wealth around" may sound rather benign but it raises real questions about what Obama's world view is. One's world view is influenced by what individuals and groups one associates with, so the questions about Obama's associations with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, ACORN, etc. are not just campaign distractions, but are relevant to what philosophy Barack Obama would use in governing.

This week's polling data indicates some narrowing of the race, as analyzed at (Hat tip to Hugh Hewitt) Whether the issue raised by 'Joe the Plumber' alters the electoral outcome will depend on whether the McCain campaign, supporters and alternate media can effectively and persistently communicate this issue to enough voters between now and the election.

1 comment:

Mr. middle class said...

Look,Joe the plumber is'nt even a licensed plumber yet. Furthermore, he has'nt started a business yet. He makes forty two thousand dollars ayear. {Oh! say it aint so Joe!) Many americans have had, or have a dream of starting a small business. And if you have been listening, and we have, barrack obamas economic, and tax plans will benefit middle class americans. Most of us including small business people, do not make a quarter of a million dollars a year, like mccain and his wife do.
Once again, what we have here, is a politician, meaning john mccain distorting the real truth, in a desperate attempt to change the political climate, that has not been going his way. It is john mccain, who is not being transparent.