Thursday, August 28, 2008

Conventional Wisdom

The 2008 election campaign is revving into high gear with the Dem Convention this week and the GOP Convention next week. As I'm typing, Al Gore is waxing apocalyptic. Presidential nominee Barack Obama will speak from the temple later this evening. John McCain's campaign suggests that participants should come appropriately dressed for the world's largest toga party. Meanwhile Senator McCain has issued a positive ad congratulating Senator Obama on his historic nomination.

One issue that won't go away is the one that Gore and others tonight euphemistically referred to as 'a woman's right to chose'. The abortion issue has reached a new level when Catholic politicians Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden don't just insist on ignoring Catholic teaching but insist on re-interpreting it, leading a number of leading bishops to want to send them back to catechism class. Sadly, I don't know if the pols are deliberately distorting the Church's strong teaching on human life or are so steeped in the secular liberal culture and misled by some dissenting Church teachers that they don't know when they're wrong.

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