Friday, June 27, 2008

Second Amendment Ruling

One doesn't have to have a big interest in guns to applaud an occasion when the Supreme Court (albeit by a narrow 5-4 vote) bases a decision not on foreign law, an "emerging national consensus", nor "the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life", but on the US Constitution. What a concept!

Michael Reagan celebrates this week's Supreme Court ruling striking down the DC handgun ban, but ends on a cautionary note.

The Supreme Court ruling has been greeted by the American people as a welcome sign that many of their rights long threatened by out-of-control judges who make or misinterpret laws, rather than enforcing them, are now at last being safeguarded by the High Court.

That’s a dangerous misconception. The new decision was a 5-4 ruling. That tiny majority, often reversed in other rulings that defy the meaning of the Constitution, will vanish if the liberals manage to elect Barack Obama and give his party sufficient control of Congress to guarantee that future Court vacancies will be filled with activist liberal justices who will turn the Constitution upside down.

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