Friday, November 03, 2006

Peggy Noonan on Rick Santorum

The eloquent Peggy Noonan writes about what a national loss it will be IF Rick Santorum loses his Senate race.
Mr. Santorum has been at odds with the modernist impulse, or liberalism, or whatever it now and fairly should be called. Most of his own impulses--protect the unprotected, help the helpless, respect the common man--have not been conservative in the way conservative is roughly understood, or portrayed, in the national imagination. If this were the JFK era, his politics would not be called "right wing" but "progressive." He is, at heart, a Catholic social reformer. Bobby Kennedy would have loved him.

Note the amazing but true account of Rick and Karen Santorum's prayerful act near the end of her column.

Of course, the only poll that matters hasn't been counted yet. After reading this column today, I sent a contribution toward my native state tonight via this link.

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