Monday, September 04, 2006

Rachel's Field

Forest and Aileen Graul, local friends of mine, are attempting to use their property here in the Maryland suburbs of DC for a noble and compassionate outreach to post abortive parents who mourn the loss of their children. The project will stand as a witness to the sacredness and dignity of every human life and is being implemented through Life Principles Trust. They've run into opposition from the local bank which is attempting to prevent this vision from happening.

The background page is the place to start to understand this situation and, if nothing else, pray for the Grauls and their vision. One way to do that is through their audio novena(wma file). I've also added the Life Principles Trust link to the prolife section of my sidebar so that it will be readily available long after this post has scrolled off the main page and into the archives.


Anonymous said...

How do you think the banks and insurance companies get bigger & bigger?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately your friends, Forest and his wife, are not acting in a manner in keeping with the principals and moral convictions of true Christian Believers. How can one proclaim to embrace and love God and unborn life, while sinning against his brother.

Literally his actions are in conflict with the guidelines set forth by God to our Jewish ancestors and all Christian Believers.

I believe the real issue here is not with any Bank:

Even though the ten commandments are not publicly displayed in our courts, our fundamental legal system is still based on the precepts which the commandments have represented throughout history.

“Thou shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'

In the literal sense, this means that a person should not desire to take things that are not his; in a wider sense, that a person should not desire to break any of the previous commandments.

In this case, the appropriate substitution for "Neighbor” would be "Brother"

Anonymous said...

I don't remember a commandment that says: Though shall not offer to purchace thy neighbors property.

Anonymous said...

There is no problem with buying the land... The opportune word here is buy - not continue to live on for free indefinitely!

So think what you want but the truth is out!

Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous 9:35 AM; We all hope you had a cup of coffee after you wrote that. Also, that someday you may read the what look to be some real supporting "facts" and evidence cited within the open letter found at Though awkwardly boring reading, if what it says is true, and the documents linked there are unaltered, something smells like rotten meat at that bank.
Back to the books before I flunk out. Pro-lifer at UMD-CP

Anonymous said...

Well, "Pro-Lifer at UM-CP," here's some additional courses that you need to take:
Common Sense 101, (You may require the remedial version)
Estate Law
Real Estate Law.

There is nothing that appears rotten at the bank. They are only attempting to protect the intrests of the other heirs. (Oh gee, was that omitted at the website?)

The trust documents are clear, Forest WAS given the oppurtunity to purchase the property. He allowed the contract for Sale, ( err, Mithrail Mgt. failed to come through with the financing, after all, the contract for sale is between Mithrail Mgt. and Sandy Spring Bank), to go into breach.

Forest's contention that the Contract was flawed, is nonsense. If that were the case He should never of signed it on Mithrail's behalf.

Soooo, college boy, there is more to the world than one person's statements on his own self serving web-site.

Please tell me you were not stupid enough to send a letter to that Judge? I still want to have some faith in this future generation.


Anonymous said...

I have known Forest & his family for a long time and know full well he is a man of God, honest to the core.....loves decency and is a person of integrety.
It may not seem clear to some of you that the project is not a money making thing. In fact I have heard that Forest is putting up his entire inheritance toward it.
So wht is wrong with not building "just one more " house? What is wrong with perserving the land for a mighty purpose..........

Anonymous said...

A man of integrity and honesty does not tie up the settlement of an estate for years with motions and lawsuits.

It is true that Forest has dedicated HIS share of the estate to this venture, but the estate documents are clear, he MUST PURCHASE the property at fair market value.

The fact that Forest's partner in this venture, Mithrail MGT., failed to secure financing for the purchase of the property is tragic. Yet there is no acrimonious comments or text dedicated to the mysterious or mythical Mithrail MGT.( Instead of sueing the bank, Forest should be going after Mithrail for breach of contract)

It all seems to be directed to Sandy Spring Bank, who is stuck in the middle, attempting to accomodate Forest, while at the same time close the estate to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.

Now Forest is to be evicted from the property, so the estate can be settled. I am sure that when this occurs, Forest will blame others, and that his actions in this chain of events will not be mentioned, or minimized.

Forest and his minions are using the ill infomed to turn this into a battle between a heartless bank and a hero of the unborn. This is most definatly NOT the case.

This is a battle between a person who feels that he can do as he pleases irreguardless of the terms as dictated in the trust documents, and that the other heirs will bend over backwards to accomadate him as he pursues his "pipe dream" of Rachel's field.

Forest has had TWO oppurtunities to purchase this property, each time he has failed to follow through. It is time for this issue to be resolved.

Forest needs to either settle with the bank, (though based on court procedings, this may be "too little, too late), or vacate the property.

It would be sad to see Forest and Aileen evicted, but Forest has no one to blame for this tradgedy other than himself.


Anonymous said...

Just opened this site and can't believe some of the blogs where Forest & Aileen have been put down. They are some of the finest people I know full of compassion, integrety, and HONEST to the core. They are NOT at fault. Truth always comes forth in the end.
I'm sorry for the pain they have gone through, so unnecessarily. Keep on hanging in there. There are tons of us on your side.