Monday, November 01, 2004

Decision Time
I've been busy the last few days with my discretionary time, with precinct calling, county campaign activities and a little volunteer time in DC with National Right to Life and the RNC to help influence the swing states. Tonight I'll be working some final details and resting up for a busy day tomorrow at my precinct polling place, so I'll keep my endorsement (which should already be obvious) short and sweet.

I'm supporting the re-election of George W. Bush because of his positive record and proposals on the interconnecting themes of a Culture of Life, National Security and the War on Terrorism, economic opportunity, the Vision for Space Exploration, etc. His opponent, Senator John Kerry offers vague and contradictory statements ('Flip-Flop') and a Senate record of bad choices on a range of issues.

Beyond the issues, defying the irrational vitriol and outright hatred against the President for his persistence in making and sticking with courageous decisions that often defy the conventional 'wisdom' is a significant reason in itself to vote for his re-election. The fact that some people despise George W. Bush for his strong Faith in God is shows that they fear the power he gains from it.

So get out there and vote for W and encourage others to do likewise. And pray that God take care of our nation, its leaders and its people.

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